Institute of Radiocommunications - Poznan University of Technology
Speech by Dr Can Ding at the Radiocommunications Institute seminar
An invited guest speaker, Dr Can Ding, will give a paper entitled ‘Multifunctional Advanced Antenna Systems for Base Stations, UAVs, and CubeSats’ at the Radiocommunications Institute seminar on 20 March 2025.
Dr Can Ding received a Bachelor degree in integrated circuit and integrated systems from Xidian University, Xi'an, China, in 2009, and a joint Ph.D. Degree from Xidian University and Macquarie University, Australia, in electromagnetic fields and microwave technology in 2016. He is currently a senior lecturer with the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Abstract: From 2G to 3G, 4G, 5G, and now moving towards 6G, we face an increasing number of frequency bands and standards to support, as well as a growing number of connected devices. In 6G, we must not only enhance the traditional terrestrial network but also integrate non-terrestrial networks, connecting ground users to UAVs, airplanes, and even satellites. This shift presents significant challenges for antenna systems in telecommunication infrastructure and modern vehicles. To meet these demands, antenna collocation and shared-aperture with various polarizations and frequency bands designs are essential. This approach optimizes spectrum utilization, bolsters spectral efficiency, and facilitates multi-band communication. It also empowers efficient space utilization, cost-effectiveness, and the adaptability of communication systems to evolving technology and spectrum demands.
However, antenna collocation introduces significant challenges, primarily in the form of substantial self- and mutual interference among the antennas. This interference can lead to performance degradation in critical parameters such as antenna matching, isolation, and radiation patterns. Such performance deterioration can have a cascading impact on the overall communication system, affecting its effectiveness and reliability. Consequently, effectively managing and mitigating interference represents a pivotal aspect of successful antenna collocation in complex communication environments. This talk will focus on mitigating various interference among antenna arrays by developing electromagnetically uncoupled antenna elements.
Created: 2025-03-14
Designing Microwave Devices - From Concept to Simulation and Implementation
On December 4th, at the invitation of the Spectrum Student Research Group, a meeting was held with QWED - a Polish company specializing in electromagnetic modeling software and resonators.
On December 4th, the Spectrum Student Research Group hosted specialists from QWED, Janusz Rudnicki and Łukasz Nowicki. QWED is a Polish company engaged in developing an electromagnetic simulator, conducting precise material measurements, and carrying out research and development in the field of computational electromagnetic modeling. Our students had the opportunity to learn about the QuickWave electromagnetic simulator and a device for microwave measurement of materials' electromagnetic parameters. They were introduced to the process of designing microwave devices using the presented software. The team showcased microwave measurement devices for evaluating the electromagnetic properties of materials, including measurement resonators paired with dedicated software. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of discovering new materials that are lightweight, more durable, and possess suitable electromagnetic properties.
Created: 2024-12-04
Prof. Hanna Bogucka, the moderator during the 2nd Forum of Women in Science and Business and the 5th edition of the Women's Entrepreneurial Day
On November 29, 2024, Prof. Hanna Bogucka organized and moderated the panel "Challenges of new technologies—opportunities and threats" at the 2nd Forum of Women in Science and Business.
On November 29, 2024, the Institute of Management and Information Systems at the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology and the Entrepreneurial Women's Club organized the 2nd Forum of Women in Science and Business combined with the 5th edition of the Women's Entrepreneurial Day. Prof. Hanna Bogucka led the first panel entitled "Challenges of new technologies - opportunities and threats." Panelists, Stefanie Hegels, President of the Management Board of Volkswagen Poznań, Magdalena Kuncewicz, Director of SP ZOZ MSWiA Poznań, Prof. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska, National Consultant in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr hab. engineer Agnieszka Misztal, prof. PP, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, and Dr hab. Anna Kobusińska, prof. PP, Head of the Department of Information Systems, Institute of Computer Science PP, discussed the following topics:
Technologies and social expectations: Should the expectations of being constantly online be met and how? Does modern society, and especially employers, accept not having a social media account or not knowing communication and information technologies? What are employers' expectations?
Artificial intelligence - opportunities and threats: Does a human have or can have full control over AI algorithms and data stored to ensure its operation? Can artificial intelligence be trustworthy? Is the data used by learning algorithms reliable and safe on the Internet?
The latest technologies in medicine—AI in diagnostics, nanorobots in treatment, and genetic engineering—offer opportunities and threats. To what extent can we use the latest technologies, and where should we set the limits?
Quality management of production, processes, and human work: Do modern machines and algorithms always outperform humans in terms of quantitative and qualitative results? Does it depend on how we define quality? Is cooperation between humans and machines/robots beneficial?
On October 30, third-year students of Electronics and Telecommunications visited a base station managed by NetWorks.
On October 30, third-year Electronics and Telecommunications students had the opportunity to get an up-close look at the elements of a base station managed by @Networks! The visit occurred at a multi-system urban station, where both older-generation radio technology equipment and modern solutions for three operators are located. The most intriguing components for the students included #BBU, #RRU, low-attenuation cables (feeders and jumpers), as well as filters and couplers.
The visit was made possible thanks to Mr. Rafał Kolenda's efforts, and special thanks to Mr. Arkadiusz Wiśniewski for his willingness to host the students!
Created: 2024-11-04
The Spektrum Scientific Club's visit to the Śnieżne Kotły Broadcasting Center.
Members of the Spektrum Scientific Club visited the Radio and Television Broadcasting Center of the Emitel company.
On October 2-3, members of the KN Spektrum traveled to the Karkonosze Mountains to visit a unique national broadcasting center. At an altitude of 1490 meters above sea level, overlooking the Śnieżne Kotły, lies the Radio and Television Broadcasting Center of the Emitel company. Once a mountain shelter, it is now a facility that utilizes the natural elevation of the terrain to provide residents of part of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship with access to radio and television. During the visit, the characteristics of the broadcasting equipment, the method of signal combining (including a star combiner), and antenna installations were presented. The microwave installations do not ice up because they are in a special room inside the building. Some microwave links transmit signals to seven fill-in stations.
Interesting facts were also revealed: This is the last Emitel broadcasting facility in Poland with a staffed operation; the rest are now unmanned. It is also the only facility powered by two countries: Poland and the Czech Republic. It takes two hours to reach the site in winter by snowmobile from Szklarska Poręba.
Aside from technical highlights, there was time for mountain hikes, a visit to a mountain shelter for an overnight stay, and conversations.
Created: 2024-10-07
Lecture by prof. Eduard Jorswieck entitled: Next Generation Multiple Access from Basic Principles to Modern Architectures
On August 13, 2024, at the seminar of the Institute of Radiocommunications and the meeting of the Polish Chapter of IEEE Communications Society, a lecture on " Next Generation Multiple Access from Basic Principles to Modern Architectures " was delivered by Prof. Eduard A. Jorswieck from Technische Universitaät Braunschweig in Germany.
On August 13, 2024, at the seminar of the Institute of Radiocommunications and the meeting of the Polish Chapter of IEEE Communications Society, a lecture on " Next Generation Multiple Access from Basic Principles to Modern Architectures " was delivered by Prof. Eduard A. Jorswieck from Technische Universitaät Braunschweig in Germany.
Eduard A. Jorswieck, IEEE Fellow, is a Full Professor with Technische Universitaät Braunschweig, Brunswick, Germany, and the Head of the Chair for Communications Systems. He is a world-class expert in communications, applied information theory, and signal processing for networks with more than 180 journal articles, 17 book chapters, one book, four monographs, and some 300 conference papers published.
Abstract: The pressure to develop new network architectures and multiple access technologies is driven by increasing demands on network performance, number of devices, network traffic and use cases. Recent advances in open radio access networks with open interfaces and software-defined network functionalities allow adaptability in terms of medium access control and physical layer, but also flexibility in terms of network architectures. The aim of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current set of network architectures for wireless access together with next generation multiple access technologies. It starts with the classical models for MAC, BC, IC from network information theory and derives the fundamental results on capacity regions and their coding and signal processing schemes. Extensions to multi-carrier, multi-antenna and multi-cell scenarios are discussed. The evolution from orthogonal to SDMA, NOMA and RSMA techniques and their performance guarantees are carefully explained. Recent advances towards multiconnectivity, cloud RAN and CFMA are explained. The data rate benefits of an anecdotal open RAN network are developed, and corresponding user data rates are calculated. Massive random and grant-free access schemes are also discussed. The tutorial concludes with a list of open research questions.
Created: 2024-09-13
Marcin Hoffmann, M.Sc., the laureate of the Minister of Science and Higher Education scholarship competition for outstanding young scientists in 2024.
On June 21st, 2024, Marcin Hoffmann, M.Sc., received a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists in 2024.
On June 21, 2024, the evaluation results for awarding scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists in 2024 were announced. This was the 19th edition of the competition. The scholarship applications were assessed by the Advisory Team (for the evaluation of applications) using the point-based method within individual disciplines of science and art. According to the Team's guidelines, in a given scientific discipline, awarding no more than 5 scholarships to young scientists, including no more than 1 scholarship to a doctoral student is recommended. In computer engineering and telecommunications, this one scholarship for a doctoral student was awarded to Marcin Hoffmann, M.Sc.
Prof. Paweł Kryszkiewicz elected member of the Academy of Young Scientists
On June 20th, 2024, prof. Paweł Kryszkiewicz was elected member of the Academy of Young Scientists in the 2024-2029 term.
On June 20th, 2024, during the 151st Session of the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, elections to the Academy of Young Scientists (AMU) were held, to which a record number of 116 candidates were submitted. AMU is an elite group of 35 members (10% of the statutory number of national members of the Polish Academy of Sciences) elected for a five-year term of office from researchers holding a doctoral degree and not older than 38 at the time of election. In 2024, 17 young scientists will end their mission at AMU, and 16 new members have been elected to replace them, including Paweł Kryszkiewicz, professor of PUT and an employee of the Institute of Radiocommunications. More information can be found at:
Created: 2024-06-20
Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc. awarded in the competition of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences
On June 10th, 2024, Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc., received a distinction in the competition of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań Branch, for the best research work published in 2023, the leading author of which is a PhD student in the field of technical sciences.
On June 10th, 2024, during the 104th Session of the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, the results of the 12th edition of the competition for the best research paper published in 2023 with the PhD student as a leading author, were announced. A distinction in the field of technical sciences was awarded to Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc., for the article M. Wasilewska, H. Bogucka, H. V. Poor, entitled “Secure Federated Learning for Cognitive Radio Sensing,” published in IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 61, no. 3, March 2023, pp. 68 - 73.
Created: 2024-06-10
Prof. Hanna Bogucka elected vice-president of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences
On June 10th, 2024, prof. Hanna Bogucka was elected vice-president of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the 2024-2026 term.
On June 10, 2024, during the 104th Session of the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Poznań, the members of the corporation elected new authorities of the Branch: the President - prof. Jerzy Kaczorowski, and the Vice-President of the Branch - prof. Hanna Bogucka. The term of office of the newly elected authorities will begin on October 1, 2024, and will last until the end of 2026. More information can be found at:
Created: 2024-06-10
Construction of a second antenna system at the Kąkolewo campus
At the beginning of April, thanks to nice weather conditions, the installation and testing of a secondary satellite antenna system took place in Kąkolewo campus.
Engineers from SpaceComm company, the main system supplier, installed the set of VHF/UHF YAGI antennas as well as C-band, 4.5m diameter parabolic antenna at the top of the tower. All antennas use a single rotator which enables tracking low earth orbit satellites fast and efficiently. The YAGI antennas may be remotely configured to operate in HOR/VERT/RHCP/LHCP modes, independently for transmission and reception of satellite signals. All RF and control cables were installed as well, together with transmitters and receivers (SDR based) and control equipment inside the technical container. The system was calibrated and some initial tests were performed successfully. In the next phase all systems will be integrated and connected to PUT network for remote operation from our control center, located in the Institute of Radiocommunications facilities.
Created: 2024-04-12
Our first satellite antenna was finally installed in Kąkolewo campus
At the end of November, despite the unfavourable weather and with some delay, our first satellite antenna was finally installed in Kąkolewo campus. Engineers from ORBIT company, the antenna manufacturer, together with collegues from TESPOL company, the system supplier, implemented this complicated operation smoothly and without any disturbances.
It took two days to assemble the radome and the antenna reflector on the ground, while on the third day the components were moved to the top of the tower using a crane and fastened safely. During day 4 the antenna system was calibrated and tested, and finally we were trained by the specialist from ORBIT in system maintenance. We plan to do the final testing, including communication with a satellite, when all works inside the technical room are finished and the communication equipment is installed and configured.
We encourage you to watch a short video showing this interesting operation – link here.
Created: 2023-11-22
The main Polish conference on Radiocommunications and Teleinformatics (KRiT 2024), will be held on September 11-13, 2024 at the Poznan University of Technology.
The National Conference on Radiocommunications and Teleinformatics (KRiT 2024), the main Polish conference in the above-mentioned fields, will be held on September 11-13, 2024 at the Poznan University of Technology. The organizers of the conference are the Institute of Radiocommunications and the Institute of Teleinformatic Networks of the Poznan University of Technology and the Association of Telecommunications Engineers (SIT).
The conference is the successor to two well-known annual events having a long tradition: the National Symposium on Telecommunications and Teleinformatics (KSTiT) and the National Conference on Radiocommunication, Radio Broadcasting and Television (KKRRiT). The Radiocommunication and Teleinformatics Conference, following the example of its predecessors, as well as KRiT 2023, which took place in Krakow in September 2023, creates excellent conditions for establishing new contacts between representatives of the world of science and business, because its participants are industry entrepreneurs, research workers of universities and research institutes, as well as PhD students and students.
We invite you to visit the conference website: and read the full information on submitting papers and registering your participation in the conference.
Created: 2023-11-20
Lecture by Prof. George Alexandropoulos entitled
On November 16, 2023, at the seminar of the Institute of Radiocommunications, a lecture on "Integrated Sensing and Communications with Full Duplex MIMO and Reconfigurable Metasurfaces " was delivered by Prof. George Alexandropoulos from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece.
Content: On November 16, 2023, at 11:45 during the Institute of Radiocommunication seminar and the meeting of the Polish Chapter of IEEE Communications Society, Professor George Alexandropoulos from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece gave a lecture on "Integrated Sensing and Communications with Full Duplex MIMO and Reconfigurable Metasurfaces ". Professor George Alexandropoulos is an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer and the world expert in MIMO technique and Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces. His current research interests and achievements can be found at
The lecture was of great interest to students, PhD students, researchers, and engineers in Poland and abroad.
Created: 2023-11-16
Lecture by Prof. Lajos Hanzo entitled: ''The Evolution Of Quantum Key Distribution Networks: On The Road To The Qinternet''
On October 26, 2023, at the seminar of the Institute of Radiocommunications, a lecture on "The Evolution Of Quantum Key Distribution Networks: On The Road To The Qinternet" was delivered by Prof. Lajos Hanzo from the University of Southampton in the UK.
On October 26, 2023, at 11:45 during the Institute of Radiocommunication seminar and the meeting of the Polish Chapter of IEEE Communications Society, Professor Lajos Hanzo from the University of Southampton in Great Britain gave a lecture on "The Evolution Of Quantum Key Distribution Networks: On The Road To The Qinternet". Professor Lajos Hanzo, FREng, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, EURASIP Fellow, is a world expert in quantum communications. He has published over 2,000 research articles in IEEE Xplore, and his current research interests and achievements can be found at
The lecture was of great interest to students, PhD students, researchers, and engineers in the whole country!
Prof. Hanna Bogucka was a panelist at the 1st Forum of Women in Science and Business
On October 6, 2023, prof. Hanna Bogucka took part in the 1st Women's Forum in Science and Business as a panelist of the session "Know-how - science and technology in practice."
On October 6, 2023, the Institute of Management and Information Systems at the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Poznań University of Technology and the Entrepreneurial Women's Club in Poznań are organizing the 1st Women's Science and Business Forum combined with the 4th edition of the Women's Entrepreneurial Day.
Distinction for Marcin Hoffmann, M.Sc., in the Young Authors Competition at the KRiT 2023 conference in Krakow.
Marcin Hoffmann, M.Sc., received a distinction for his paper in the Young Authors Competition at the KRiT 2023 conference in Krakow.
During the Conference of Radiocommunication and Teleinformatics (KRiT) held on September 20-22, 2023, in Krakow, the Foundation for the Support of the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Technologies awards were presented to the winners of the competition for the best article by a young author. A distinction in this competition was awarded to Marcin Hoffmann, M.Sc., for the paper entitled “Evaluation of a User-Centric Massive MIMO Network.” The awardee is an employee and doctoral student of the Institute of Radiocommunications. Congratulations!
Created: 2023-10-02
Dr. Bartosz Bossy received the 1st prize, and Dr. Łukasz Kułacz distinction from the Foundation for Supporting the Development of Radiocommunications and Multimedia Technologies in the competition for the best doctoral thesis.
Dr. Bartosz Bossy received the 1st prize, and Dr. Łukasz Kułacz distinction from the Foundation for Supporting the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Technologies in the 21st edition of the national competition for the best doctoral thesis in the field of radiocommunication and multimedia techniques.
The 21st edition of the national competition for the best doctoral thesis in the field of radiocommunication and multimedia techniques, organized by the Foundation for the Support of the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Technologies, has ended. This year, the first prize went to Dr. Bartosz Bossy for the dissertation entitled “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in OFDM Systems with Computational Awareness.” The supervisor of the thesis defended on June 27, 2022, was Prof. Hanna Bogucka. An honorable distinction in the competition also went to an employee of our Institute, Dr. Łukasz Kułacz for the dissertation entitled "Utilization of context information for spectral-efficiency enhancement in future radio communication systems". The supervisor of the thesis defended on December 13, 2022, was Prof. Adrian Kliks. The award ceremony took place on September 20, 2023, in Krakow, during the opening session of the Radiocommunications and Teleinformatics Conference, KRiT 2023.
Created: 2023-09-22
On June 20, 2023, dr inż. Łukasz Kułacz received an award
On June 20, 2023, dr inż. Łukasz Kułacz received an award in the 1st edition of the "National competition for the best engineering, master's and doctoral thesis in 2022".
With great satisfaction, we noticed the announced results of the 1st edition of the competition " National competition for the best engineering, master's and doctoral thesis in 2022". Doctoral thesis entitled: "Utilization of Context Information for Spectral-Efficiency Enhancement in Future Radio Communication Systems", written by Łukasz Kułacz under the supervision of dr hab. eng. Adrian Kliks, was qualified by the Competition Jury to the group of the highest rated and took third place. 141 works were submitted to the competition, including 55 master's theses and 24 doctoral theses. By decision of the Competition Jury, three financial awards and two equivalent financial distinctions were awarded in each category of the competition. The awards ceremony took place on June 20, 2023 in the Small Hall of the Warsaw University of Technology.
On May 20, 2023, the nationwide action "Night of Museums" was held in Poznań, attended by representatives of KN Spektrum.
In the Zamek Cultural Center, the Poznań University of Technology prepared stands and a series of lectures devoted to space. As part of this event, members of the Spectrum Science Club - Aleksandra Słomczewska and Nikoloz Glonti - gave a popular science lecture on communication in space. In addition, throughout the event, they were available at the stand where visitors could come and hear, among others, about the cooperation between the Kiev University of Technology and the Poznań University of Technology for the development and construction of a nanosatellite intended for Earth observation missions.
Created: 2023-05-29
Distinction for our graduate's master's thesis
On April 26, 2023, mgr inż. Piotr Jaworski received a distinction in the 19th edition of the "Award of the City of Poznań for an outstanding master's thesis" competition.
With great satisfaction, we noticed the announced results of the 19th edition of the competition "Award of the City of Poznań for an outstanding doctoral thesis" and "Award of the City of Poznań for an outstanding master's thesis". Master's thesis entitled: "Optimization of the location of base stations on unmanned aerial platforms from the perspective of using radio resources", written by Mr. Piotr Jaworski under the supervision of dr hab. eng. Adrian Kliks, was qualified by the Competition Jury to the group of the highest rated and won a distinction. 79 works were submitted to the competition, including 37 master's theses and 42 doctoral theses. By decision of the Competition Jury, three equivalent financial awards and four equivalent financial distinctions were awarded in the category of doctoral theses, and three equivalent financial awards and three equivalent financial distinctions in the category of master's theses. The award ceremony took place on April 26, 2023 in the White Room of the Poznań City Hall.
Created: 2023-04-26
Nokia at the Poznań University of Technology
Spektrum Science Club had the pleasure of hosting representatives of the Wroclaw branch of Nokia, Marcin Szczukiewicz and Piotr Wróbel.
At the open meeting, students had the opportunity to listen to a fascinating lecture about the project that Nokia is implementing together with NASA - namely, the construction of a 4G network on the moon. Participants of the lecture learned, among other things, what is the difference between designing a network that is to operate in space and one that is to operate in earthly conditions, as well as how many questions need to be asked and how many unexpected challenges designers face. After the lecture, the students had the opportunity to see the equipment that is to fly to the moon with their own eyes and ask about any issues they were interested in. The great punchline of this meeting was that dreams are there to be fulfilled, and the living proof of this was the story of our speaker Marcin Szczukiewicz, who has been interested in astronomy since childhood and now has the opportunity to participate in an international space project.
Created: 2023-04-24
Another success of Spektrum!
Although the Spektrum Science Club has been operating for only a year, and it was their first participation in the Grant Gala, they took first place in the most mature category - "Project completed"
In this year's Grant Gala, which took place on March 22, KN Spektrum took part in two categories: "Project idea" and "Project completed". In the first category, Paweł Placzkiewicz and Dawid Brząkała presented the "I-ASPEES-5G" project on which they are working together with Paweł Hatka and Marcel Garczyk. The aim of the project is to develop a measurement system based on the channel sounding technique, which will enable accurate and comprehensive measurements of propagation characteristics in conditions related to IIoT and 5G technologies. In the second category, Nikoloz Glonti presented the results of work on the project "Research on the impact of electromagnetic field on plant development", whose leader is Łukasz Nowarkiewicz. "Roślinki" received the Rector's Grant last year and, as it turned out, this year also achieved a great success - the project took first place in its category, thus winning a prize of PLN 1,500 for the current needs of the club.
Created: 2023-03-23
Construction of satellite radiocommunication station.
On March 13-15, 2023, prof. Rafał Krenz visited Orbit Communications company. He supervised a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) procedure related to the 4.5m satellite antenna which will be installed in a ground station located in PUT Kąkolewo campus.
The antenna is designed for receiving/transmitting signals in S-band as well as receiving signals in X-band. It uses 3-axis (azimuth-elevation-tilt) pedestal and may track Low Earth Orbit satellites. The antenna will be installed on an 11m high tower, under a radome and may operate regardless of any atmospheric conditions. The installation is planned for end of June / beginning of July this year. We will keep informing you on the project advances!
Created: 2023-03-15
Our satellite ground station
We are happy to announce that our satellite ground station, located at Piotrowo campus, is now fully tested and operational.
We are happy to announce that our satellite ground station, located at Piotrowo campus, is now fully tested and operational. It can be used for communications with Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, using amateur VHF/UHF bands. The station is equipped with two high-gain Yagi-Uda antennas, powered by ICOM IC-9700 transceiver. For signal reception SDR receivers (FunCube Dongle & USRP B210) are used. The antennas are installed on rotators which can track the fast moving objects on the sky. A parabolic tracking antenna with 3m diameter and the septum feed operating in C-band is also installed in the ground station. It will be used in a high-throughput transmission system developed in our Institute in cooperation with Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and SatRev company. The first Cubesat satellite with our transmitter on board should be launched by the end of 2023! Keep you fingers crossed
Created: 2023-02-01
Scientific visit of prof. Cynthia Hood from Illinois Tech
Prof. Cynthia Hood from Illinois Institute of Technology began a half-year scientific internship at the Institute of Radiocommunications as part of the Fulbright Scholarship.
Prof. Cynthia Hood from the Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech) in Chicago, USA, began a scientific internship at the Institute of Radiocommunications as part of a Fulbright scholarship. Scientific interests of prof. Hood focuses on network and systems management, wireless networks, adaptive systems, and innovation in education. During his six-month stay, he will cooperate with the team of our institute towards the use of artificial intelligence methods in the management of the electromagnetic spectrum. Welcome to the Institute of Radiocommunications!
Created: 2023-01-04
Emitel visiting the Poznań University of Technology
On December 12, the Spektrum Science Club had the pleasure of hosting a representative of Emitel - Paweł Paliszek-Saładyga.
At a lecture entitled "How to provide television to 38 million people?" students had the opportunity to learn what Emitel does, what are the frequency ranges and channel plans for broadcasting, what does radio planning for the DVB-T2 television network look like and how does the construction of broadcasting infrastructure for reforming look like. It was a very fruitful and informative meeting, from which everyone gained the power of knowledge. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Paweł Paliszek-Saładyga, who devoted his valuable time to us and wanted to share the vast amount of technical knowledge gained during many years of his career.
Created: 2022-12-14
Entrepreneurial Women's Day at the Poznań University of Technology
Prof. Hanna Bogucka took part in the Day of Entrepreneurial Women as a panellist.
In connection with the World Women's Entrepreneurship Day (on November 19), the Institute of Management and Information Systems of the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Poznań University of Technology organized the third edition of the Entrepreneurial Women's Day. This year's edition was held on November 25, 2022 under the slogan "Generations XYZ - how do we see business?" The discussion panel was attended by: prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka, co-founder of RIMEDO Labs, Zofia Chołody, president of the Entrepreneurial Women's Club, Julia Kaffka, host of the podcast "Kawka z Kaffką" and Anna Kulczyńska, product manager, ARJO. The panel was led by Joanna Małecka - journalist and Editor-in-Chief of "Sukces po poznańsku".
During the panel, the issue of different faces of entrepreneurship, the advantages and disadvantages of starting and running one's own business at different ages, the motivation to start one's own business and social activity, and managing a multi-generational team were discussed. There was also a discussion on the stereotype of women in sectors dominated by men.
Created: 2022-11-25
Machine Learining at the Poznań University of Technology
The Spektrum Science Club, located at the Institute of Radiocommunication, launched a series of workshops on neural networks.
The workshop started on October 24, 2022 and will last for two semesters. They are conducted by a graduate of our university, Dr. Eng. Michał Szymczyk Senior Data Scientist, WithSecureTM Certified TensorFlow Developer. During the workshop, participants will learn the topics related to neural networks using the TensorFlow library and will have the opportunity to learn about the enormity of practical knowledge provided by a person from the industry. In addition, a certificate is provided at the end, and for the best, there is an opportunity to get an internship at the renowned company WithSecure dealing with computer and network security.
Created: 2022-10-24
Students' excursion to the @Networks base station!
On October 19, the 3rd year Electronics and Telecommunications students visited the base station managed by @Networks!
On October 19, the 3rd year students of Electronics and Telecommunications visited the base station managed by @Networks! The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with a multi-system city station, where one can compare the old and new technology for implementing a radio track for three operators. Devices enabling the transmission of mobile data were presented. The greatest interest was aroused by such elements of the base station as #BBU, #RRU, low-attenuation cables, and couplers.
Many thanks to Mr. Rafał Kolenda for an interesting presentation of the base station elements and Mr. Arkadiusz Wiśniewski for supporting the development of students!
Created: 2022-10-19
Successes of our Ph.D. students in the Young Authors Competition at the KKRRiT 2022 conference in Warsaw.
Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc., received the first prize for the best paper in the Young Authors Competition at the KKRRiT 2022 conference in Warsaw. Cezary Adamczyk, M.Sc., received the 2nd prize, and Salim Janji, M.Sc., a distinction in this competition.
During the National Conference on Radiocommunication, Broadcasting and Television (KKRRiT) held on 7-9 September in Warsaw, the Awards of the Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Techniques were presented to the winners of the competition for the best article by a young author. The first prize was awarded to Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc., for the article on "Intelligent Prediction of Spectrum Occupancy that Includes Fading Effect Influence." The second prize in this competition went to Cezary Adamczyk, M.Sc., for the article on "Detection of Decision Conflicts in Intelligent Radio Controllers in Open Radio Access Networks." In turn, Salim Janji, M.Sc., received a distinction for his paper entitled "Procedure for the Deployment of FSO Mobile Forwarding Relays Powered by RES". All laureates are our Ph.D. students at the Institute of Radiocommunications. Congratulations!
Created: 2022-09-09
Awards of the Association of Telecommunications Engineers for our graduate students.
Adam Samorzewski, MSc. received the first prize from the Association of Telecommunications Engineers for the best master thesis in the field of telecommunications in Poland. Maciej Nikiforuk, MSc. and Damian Piotrowski, MSc. received the distinctions.
During the National Conference on Radiocommunication, Broadcasting and Television (KKRRiT) held on 7-9 September in Warsaw, the Awards of the Association of Telecommunications Engineers (SIT) were given to the winners of the national competition for the best diploma thesis (bachelor’s or master's) in telecommunications.
Adam Samorzewski, MSc. received the First Prize of SIT for the best master thesis. The title of the thesis was: "Sustainable management of radio resources in wireless systems with energy-autonomous nodes", and the supervisor was prof. Adrian Kliks, PhD. from the Institute of Radiocommunications. In turn, the distinctions in this competition went to: Maciej Nikiforuk, MSc. for his master thesis entitled "Foliage Attenuation at 28 GHz Centre Frequency" and Damian Piotrowski, MSc., for his master thesis entitled "Predictive modelling of electromagnetic field by using machine-learning methods". The supervisor of the distinguished works was dr. Krzysztof Cichoń from the Institute of Radiocommunications. Congratulations!
Created: 2022-09-07
Prof. Hanna Bogucka elected Member-at-Large of the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors.
Prof. Hanna Bogucka has been elected Member-at-Large of the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors representing the Europe-Africa-Middle East (EMEA) Region for the three-year term of 2023-2025.
We are pleased to announce that prof. Hanna Bogucka has been elected Member-at-Large of the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors for a three-year term (2023-2025) as a representative of the Europe-Africa-Middle East region. Election results are presented at the website: Thank you for voting and the support of prof. Bogucka in the elections.
Created: 2022-07-28
COST INTERACT Training School on Open RAN
In the last days, from 5th to 7th July 2022, Poznan University of Technology and Rimedo Labs have organized under the auspices of COST INTERACTCA20120 the summer training school on “Open-RAN networks: from theory to implementation.”
The meeting was held in a hybrid model, where both in-person and remote participants were allowed to join and benefit from the school. The key focus of the school was on Open Ran, which is a recent and vibrant trend in the telecommunications market, especially in the 5G area, aiming at the realization of various challenging objectives. These include at first spot splitting of a base station into several functional components, including a central unit (CU), distributed unit (DU), and a remote unit (RU). Next, they deal with opening interfaces to enable interoperability (especially Open Fronthaul) and disaggregating software from hardware in the RAN domain. Finally, the Open RAN introduces advanced automation into the RAN system by employing an abstracted entity to manage the radio networks, i.e., the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC); it serves as a platform for xApps (optimization applications in the RAN domain) and rApps (optimization applications in the management plane) using AI/ML.
The participants of the school will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and experience in various domains of Open RAN during three highly attractive training days. The first day was mainly oriented on the theoretic background related to the Open RAN domain, whereas the second day was more industry-oriented. Finally, on the third day, the hand-on labs have been provided to the attendees. The participants have access to the prerequisites for O-RAN software installation, have been guided in real-time through the arcana of xApp implementation in SD-RAN, and have access to the recordings afterward, so they can easily reproduce the whole lab.
The overall event was highly successful; there were overall 70+ registrations, where 18 of them have been in-persons. Also, many speakers participated in person, which makes the school highly interactive with very strong off-side discussions and connections. Finally, the scores received in the evaluation surveys circulated among the participants are very high, which proves the impact of the school. Such great achievement was reached due to the fantastic engagement of both speakers, local organizers, but also the in-person attendees who actively participated in the event.
As school co-organizers, we would like to thank all the persons involved for their positive attitude and vivid involvement in the event, which made it highly successful. We would also like to thank our event partners, Rimedo Labs, EURACON and COST CA20120 INTERACT, for the support and the opportunity to organize it! Special thanks go to all the speakers for their valuable insights, namely:
"Extremely Fast Internet - will 6G launch civilization to another level?" - Interview with dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz
"Extremely Fast Internet - will 6G launch civilization to another level?" is the title of an interview conducted by Karolina Głowacka with dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz in the Radio Naukowe broadcast.
„Extreme fast Internet – will 6G launch civilization to another level?” is the title of a podcast hosted by Karolina Głowacka on the Radio Naukowe with the participation of an employee of our Institute - dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz.
In the interview, dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz both explains the idea behind the operation of new generation broadband mobile networks (5G) and presents the concepts of their technological development in the future (6G).
We encourage you to check out the fascinating content of the podcast:
Prof. Hanna Bogucka is a candidate for the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors Member at Large, representing Europe – Africa - Middle East Region.
We invite you to read the position statement of prof. Hanna Bogucka as a candidate for the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors Member at Large, representing the EMEA region (Europe, Africa, Middle East) and with her program of activities to counteract exclusion in access to information and knowledge, climate change, and the effects of the pandemic, as well as for solidarity with countries and regions affected by war.
We invite you to read the position statement of prof. Hanna Bogucka as a candidate for the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors Member at Large, representing the EMEA region (Europe, Africa, Middle East) and with her program of activities to counteract exclusion in access to information and knowledge, climate change, and the effects of the pandemic, as well as for solidarity with countries and regions affected by war. We are asking members of the IEEE Communications Society to support her in voting which begins on May 27 and will last till June 22nd, 2022.
Technical meeting of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and IEEE Communications Society in the Institute of Radiocommunications
On May 20, 2022, the Institute of Radiocommunications hosted the participants of the technical meeting of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and IEEE Communications Society, listeners and speakers of the workshop on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication.
Employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications are active members of the Polish section of IEEE VTS and IEEE ComSoc. As part of this activity, the Institute organized another technical meeting in Poznań. The meeting on May 20, 2022 was held in the form of a workshop on communication between vehicles and radio communication techniques for autonomous vehicles. We would like to thank the workshop participants for fruitful discussions. Special thanks to our speakers: Maciej Michałek, Tomasz Kryjak, Mateusz Komorkiewicz, Marcin Szelest, Pawel Kryszkiewicz, Paweł Sroka, Krzysztof Walas, Amadeusz Szymko, Michał Sybis, and Paweł Skruch.
Created: 2022-05-20
Lecture by Professor H. Vincent Poor on
On May 16, 2022, Professor H. Vincent Poor from Princeton University, USA will give a lecture for us, our students and doctoral students on "6G and Machine Learning at the Wireless Edge"
The Institute of Radiocommunications PUT and RIMEDO Labs invite you on May 16, 2022, at 16:00 to the lecture on: "6G and Machine Learning at the Wireless Edge" by Professor H. Vincent Poor from Princeton University (according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings the 7th best university in the world!)
Vincent Poor is a professor at Princeton University, USA, where he was also the Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. His interests include information, machine learning, and network theories and their applications to wireless, energy, and related fields. His publications (cited more than 121,000 times, with a Hirsh index of 155) also include the book Machine Learning and Wireless Communications (Cambridge University Press). Dr. Poor is a Fellow of the American National Academy of Engineering and the American National Academy of Sciences, and a foreign fellow of the Royal Society and other national and international academies. He received the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal in 2017 and many other prestigious awards. He was also the president of the IEEE Information Theory Society and a long-term member of the IEEE Board of Directors.
We cordially invite everyone interested to take this exceptional opportunity and listen to the lecture!
A new grant for our students from the Spektrum Science Club.
Students involved in the Spektrum Science Club operating at the Institute of Radiocommunications obtained a Rector's grant for the implementation of the project entitled "Study of the influence of the electromagnetic field on plant development".
Students involved in the Spektrum Science Club operating under the supervision of dr. Krzysztof Cichoń from the Institute of Radiocommunications obtained a Rector's grant for the implementation of the project entitled "Study of the influence of the electromagnetic field on plant development".
The goal of the project is to build a set of stands enabling the subjecting of selected, small plants to the influence of a homogeneous electromagnetic field in the VHF and UHF frequency range. The plants breeding conditions outside the electromagnetic field influence will be standardized, the condition of the tested plants will be permanently monitored, and the TEM line will be used to generate a homogeneous field.
Obtaining funds for the project is a great success for students who have prepared an application for funding their research work. The Spektrum Scientific Club has been operating at the Institute of Radiocommunications since 2021. The main goal of the Club's activity is the implementation of research projects in the field of radiocommunication and taking care of the scientific development of students by organizing training courses and thematic excursions.
Created: 2022-04-06
The Institute of Radiocommunications provided radiotelephones and an emergency medical kit for Ukraine.
The employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications raised funds and bought two radiotelephones with a range of 10 km and a medical backpack fully equipped with an emergency kit as a help for our neighbors and friends from Ukraine.
In response to the targeted collection organized by Poznań University of Technology and the Students’ Union of Poznan University of Technology (for the families of our students and employees from Ukraine and for the Lviv Polytechnic National University) employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications collected funds and purchased two radiotelephones (walkie-talkies) with a range of 10 km and a medical backpack fully equipped with an emergency kit (thermal blanket, bandages, band-aids, disinfectants). Radio communication equipment with fully charged batteries and an emergency kit were handed over to the collection point at the Sports Center of Poznań University of Technology, on the 9th of March, 2022. Thank you, donors!
Created: 2022-03-09
Webinar from the XCHANGING IDEAS - 5G Global Evolution series
On January 11, 2022, the 22nd virtual meeting of the XCHANGING IDEAS - 5G Global Evolution series took place. Dr hab. Eng. Adrian Kliks was one of the invited speakers, presenting the idea of using the so-called artificial intelligence "on the edge" of the network to improve wireless communication in autonomous vehicle traffic.
The conference in the form of a webinar is organized periodically every month, and its purpose is to exchange innovative ideas,and concepts, and present the achievements in the field of 5G and 6G networks. The meetings are of international nature, and all previous editions are available as streaming on the YouTube channel, which has almost 1.2 thousand. subscribers: During the meeting, dr. inz. Adrian Kliks presented the concept of using the so-called artificial intelligence at the edge of the telecommunications network (Edge Intelligence) for the autonomous movement of vehicles (convoys). This concept is being studied in detail in the OPUS project "Wireless communication between vehicles in a convoy using rich contextual information and dynamic spectrum access". In particular, the use of Q-leraning and Federated Learning methods for dynamic selection of communication channels was considered.
Success of scientists from the Institute of Radiocommunications in the NCN funding schemes OPUS 21 and PRELUDIUM 20.
The call results of the National Science Centre OPUS 21 and PRELUDIUM 20 have been announced. Employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications have obtained funding for as many as three projects.
The employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications have obtained funding for three innovative projects as part of the recent calls of the National Science Centre.
Dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz has obtained funding for the project entitled "Cross-layer design of ultra spectrally- and energy-efficient 6G system aware of radio front-end nonlinearity" for 48 months within the OPUS 21 funding scheme. Bartosz Bossy, M.Sc., received financial support for the project entitled "Fresh and Green Cellular IoT Edge Computing Networks" planned to be implemented for 36 months as part of the PRELUDIUM 20 call. Similarly, in the same call, Łukasz Kułacz, M.Sc., obtained funds for the project entitled "Radio spectrum occupancy detection using federated machine learning" scheduled to run for 24 months. Congratulations!
Created: 2021-12-01
Russell Lundberg's Lecture on 'How to Love a Career in Telecoms' 17. XI. 2021 r.
On the 17th of November, 2021, Russell Lundberg, the Director of Intelefy from the USA, will give a lecture for our students and doctoral students on "How to Love a Career in Telecoms".
On the 17th of November, 2021, Russell Lundberg, the Director of Intelefy from the USA, will give a lecture for our students and doctoral students on "How to Love a Career in Telecoms". Russell Lundberg has over 30 years of experience working in mobile technology for mobile network operators around the world (in Europe, USA and Asia), specializing in cellular systems, cost-effective telecommunications networks, operational support systems (OSS), 5G systems and open radio access networks (O-RAN). For years, he has been cooperating with Network Operations Centers (NMC) and Operational Support Systems. He worked in NMC for one of the first GSM operators, where he created operational procedures. He has worked for a number of US software companies selling network management tools and location services applications to network operators in Asia. He has held high technical positions in building a cellular network in Hawaii, including vice president of engineering. For 4 years, he served as president of the financial board of E-911 of the state of Hawaii, advising the governor of that state. He is currently a director of Intelefy LLC, helping telecommunications professionals advance their careers through the choice of information strategy, education and mentoring.
Dr. Marcin Rodziewicz became the vice-champion of Poland in the M35 category at the full Ironman distance
Dr. Marcin Rodziewicz became the vice-champion of Poland in the M35 category (age category 35-39) on the full Ironman distance (3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling race, 42.2 km running) with a sensational time of 9:16:23.
Employee of the Institute of Radiocommunication, assistant professor, dr. Marcin Rodziewicz became the vice-champion of Poland in the M35 category (age category 35-39) on the full Ironman distance (3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling race, 42.2 km running) with a sensational time of 9:16:23. He did it during the jubilee XX. edition of the cult triathlon competition Castle Triathlon Malbork named after Bartosz Kubicki on September 5, 2021.
Moreover, on September 19, 2021, Dr. Rodziewicz took 3rd place in the general classification in the Garmin Iron Triathlon Nieporęt 2021 competition, distance 1/2 Ironman (1.9 km swimming, 90 km cycling race, 21.1 km running) with time 04: 29:51
Created: 2021-09-28
AEROSPHERE 2.0. Aerocosmic Data Transmission
Headline: On September 9, in the presence of Marek Woźniak - Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province and prof. dr hab. Eng. Teofila Jesionowski - Rector of the Poznań University of Technology, an agreement was signed on financing the project entitled "AEROSPHERE 2.0. AEROCOSMIC DATA TRANSMISSION (POLYITAN) ”.
Content: On September 9, in the presence of Marek Woźniak - Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province and prof. dr hab. Eng. Teofila Jesionowski - Rector of the Poznań University of Technology, an agreement was signed on financing the project entitled "AEROSPHERE 2.0. AEROCOSMIC DATA TRANSMISSION (POLYITAN) ”. The project is financed by the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 in the amount of PLN 4.2 million (the total project value is PLN 6.9 million), which will enable the construction of a satellite communication station with LEO satellites (in low orbits) along with an image processing center satellite, located at the airport in Kąkolewo. The research and teaching base of the Institute of Radiocommunication will also be enriched with the latest measurement and research equipment, allowing for radiocommunication measurements in the frequency range up to 30 GHz, which will be used in 5th and 6th generation cellular systems.
It is worth adding that the satellite communication station under construction will probably be the first facility of its kind in Poland, being part of the R&D infrastructure of universities, which will significantly increase the scientific and research potential of Poznan University of Technology.
Created: 2021-09-09
Dr. Anna Łukowa received the first prize of the Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Techniques in the competition for the best doctoral dissertation.
Dr. Anna Łukowa received the first prize of the Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Techniques in the 19th edition of the nationwide competition for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of radiocommunication and multimedia techniques.
The 19th edition of the nationwide competition for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of radiocommunication and multimedia techniques, organized by the Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Techniques, has ended. This year, the first prize was won by dr. Anna Łukowa for the dissertation entitled "Coordinated Radio Resource Management in 5G Systems with Time Division Duplex". The supervisor of the dissertation defended on November 3, 2020 was prof. Krzysztof Wesołowski. The award ceremony took place on September 2, 2021 in Warsaw.
Created: 2021-09-02
Lecture by specialists from the Lodz University of Technology on the pilot 5G network given at the seminar of the Institute of Radiocommunications
On April 8, 2021, the seminar of the Institute of Radiocommunications hosted guests from the Lodz University of Technology: prof. Sławomir Hausman and prof. Piotr Korbel, who delivered a lecture entitled "5G pilot network at the Lodz University of Technology".
On April 8, 2021, the Institute of Radiocommunications hosted prof. Sławomir Hausman and prof. Piotr Korbel from the Department of Telecommunications of the Institute of Electronics, Lodz University of Technology, who took part in our seminar, and gave a talk on "5G pilot network at the Lodz University of Technology". The presentation concerned the pilot installation of the 5G network as well as sample projects and applications that were implemented with its use. After an interesting lecture attended by 50 persons, employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications and students, the professors answered the questions of the participants. We would like to thank them for the inspiring lecture and interesting discussion.
Created: 2021-04-08
Dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the USA.
March 3, 2021 Dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz gave an invited lecture entitled "Brain-Inspired Communications for Dense IoT Networks" at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA
On March 3, 2021, Dr. Paweł Kryszkiewicz gave an invited lecture entitled "Brain-Inspired Communications for Dense IoT Networks" at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA. Dr. Kryszkiewicz talked about analogies between the ubiquitous Internet of Things and the paradigms observed in the human brain for communication between millions of closely spaced neurons. These similarities can be exploited in wireless networks to improve the energy efficiency of communications. During the presentation, the main features of brain communication were presented, as well as their assignment to possible solutions in wireless communication technology.
Created: 2021-03-05
Best Paper Award for Małgorzata Wasilewska, Hanna Bogucka and Adrian Kliks at EAI WiCON 2020.
The Best Paper Award of the 13th EAI International Conference on Wireless Internet Conference (EAI WiCON 2020) held on December 11-12, 2020 has been presented to Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc., prof. Hanna Bogucka and prof. Adrian Kliks for their paper entitled: “Spectrum Sensing and Prediction for 5G Radio”.
On the 21st of January, 2021, the Conference Committee of the 13th EAI International Conference on Wireless Internet Conference (EAI WiCON 2020) held on December 11-12, 2020 in the cyberspace, announced that the Best Paper Award was presented to Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc., prof. Hanna Bogucka and prof. Adrian Kliks for their paper entitled: “Spectrum Sensing and Prediction for 5G Radio”. The paper presents results of research conducted at the Institute of Radiocommunications within the CERTAIN project funded by the National Science Centre for Polish-Lithuanian collaboration (DAINA 1 programme).
Created: 2021-01-21
Dr. Krzysztof Cichoń presented the webinar on
Dr. Krzysztof Cichoń presented the webinar on "mmWave propagation modeling", an uptodate topic related to 5G channel modelling.
On the 16th of January, 2021, dr. Krzysztof Cichoń presented the webinar on "mmWave propagation modeling". He went through mmWave propagation basics, discussed various models (from simple to the more advanced ones), and shown live simulation and their results. The webinar was attended by over 500 participants and commented as “"The webinar with Krzysztof was terrific. A huge success!" The recording is now available at CafeTele Telecom Training web:
Created: 2021-01-17
Prof. Hanna Bogucka appeared on the TOK FM radio in the program
Prof. Hanna Bogucka gave an interview on "What is green telecommunications" on radio TOK FM in the program "Human 2.0" ("Człowiek 2.0" in Polish).
January 16, 2021 prof. Hanna Bogucka appeared on TOK FM radio in the program "Human 2.0". Prof. Bogucka was interviewed by Jan Stradowski, head of the science department of the "Focus" magazine, who invites specialists in science, technology and civilization trends to discuss what the new version of Homo Sapiens - Human 2.0 - looks like today, and where is it going? Journalist Stradowski and prof. Bogucka talked about the predictions of a significant increase in energy consumption due to new technologies, how it can be remedied - what is green telecommunications and zero-energy radio, what is the future of telecommunications and the theoretical limits of radio technologies. You are invited to listen to the program as a podcast at:,Na-czego-polega-zielona-telekomunikacja
Created: 2021-01-16
Prof. Russell Hsing delivered a lecture on ''Where Technologist and Entrepreneur Meet To Stimulate Academic Spin-offs''
On December 15, 2020 prof. Russell Hsing from the USA gave a lecture on ''Where Technologist and Entrepreneur Meet To Stimulate Academic Spin-offs''
On December 15, 2020 at 15:15, prof. Russell Hsing from the USA gave a lecture for our students and staff on "Where Technologist and Entrepreneur Meet To Stimulate Academic Spin-offs". Prof. Hsing was the Executive Director of Applied Research at Bellcore / Telcordia / Ericsson (now retired), Honorary Chair Professor at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, Member of Advisory Council of Harvard Business Review USA, Visiting Professor at IIT Kanpur, India, University Beijing, China, and Arizona State University in the US. He is also a board member and advisor to the boards of start-ups and academic companies in the USA, Taiwan, Poland and Ireland.
During the lecture, prof. Hsing presented his over 35 years of industrial research and development experience in the US and 8 years in academia around the world. Using his global experience and involvement in several start-ups, he presented how to combine competences in the field of technology and management, how to use creativity, innovation and business to achieve success. He discussed the "Curiosity> Opportunity> Business Model> Risk> Management> Technology Commercialization> Money" proces of successfull business.
Prof. Hanna Bogucka on the list of Top 15 Women in 5G
The Perspektywy Foundation announced the Top 15 Women in 5G list, which included prof. dr hab. Eng. Hanna Bogucka. The list was also published by Forbes.
The awards gala was held during the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2020 conference (, 8-9 December 2020, attended annually by several thousand participants. This year, the conference was opened by the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel.
Created: 2020-12-07
Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc. awarded for the best article by a young author at the KKRRiT 2020 conference
Małgorzata Wasilewska, M.Sc. received an award funded by ATDI for the female author of the best article presented at the National Conference on Radiocommunication, Radio- and Television Broadcasting in 2020
During the summary of the National Conference of Radiocommunication, Radio- and Television Broadcasting, held in Łódź on September 17-18, 2020, Ms. Małgorzata Wasilewska, MSc., the PhD student at the Institute of Radiocommunications, received an award funded by ATDI for the female-author of the best article presented at this conference. ATDI is a company with French roots, creator and publisher of HTZ and ICS software for radio planning, spectrum management and monitoring, a leader for 32 years in the field of military and civilian solutions. The author received the award in the form of a new laptop for the article entitled "Recurrent Neural Network for LTE Spectrum Occupation Prediction"
The award ceremony took place on October 28, 2020 during a virtual meeting of the President of ATDI Spółka z o.o. and Vice President of the ATDI group, Agnieszka Slosarska, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of KKRRiT 2020 and KSTiT 2020, dr hab. inż. Sławomir Hausmann with the laureate, MSc. Małgorzata Wasilewska and her supervisor and co-author prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka.
Created: 2020-10-06
Professor Hanna Bogucka „Polish Teleinformatics Leader” award.
The “Golden Cyborg” Award Board operating under the patronage of Telecommunication Section of the Electronics and Telecommunication Committee, Polish Academy of Sciences awarded professor Hanna Bogucka with the title of „Polish Teleinformatics Leader” and the “Golden Cyborg” Statuette.
During the opening of the multi-conference, covering the two largest national meetings of radio- and telecommunication specialists: the National Conference of Radiocommunication, Radio and Television Broadcasting (KKRRiT) and National Telecommunication and Teleinformatics Symposium (KSTiT), on the 17th of September, 2020, in Łódź, the Golden Cyborg Award ceremony was held.
Professor Hanna Bogucka received this award for scientific achievements in the field of mobile radiocommunication, high scientific and organizational recognition in the world and activity in international scientific bodies in the field of telecommunications.
This year, the Golden Cyborgs were also awarded to: Henryk Kamiński, the President of the Supervisory Board and co-owner of Sprint S.A., and dr hab. Eng. Jordi Mongay Batalla from the National Institute of Telecommunication and Warsaw University of Technology.
Golden Cyborgs have been awarded since 1998. Their laureates are personalities distinguished in the telecommunications and ICT industries, who have achieved success in the field of science or management. The statuette is a proof of recognition for the activity for the ICT industry in Poland.
Created: 2020-09-22
RIMEDO Labs signs agreement with Poznan University of Technology
On the 31st of August, 2020 Poznan University of Technology granted RIMEDO Ltd., a startup founded by the employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications, a license for using the Know-how regarding specific algorithms applied in radio communication networks (IPRs belonging to Poznan University of Technology).
On the 31st of August, 2020 Poznan University of Technology granted RIMEDO Ltd., a startup founded by the employees of the Institute of Radiocommunications, a license for using the Know-how regarding specific algorithms applied in radio communication networks (IPRs belonging to Poznan University of Technology).
The agreement was signed by prof. dr hab inż. Tomasz Łodygowski, the Rector of Poznan University of Technology and by dr. inż. Marcin Dryjański, CEO of RIMEDO Labs. In the solemn conclusion of the agreement, some shareholders of RIMEDO Labs: prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka, dr inż. Paweł Kryszkiewicz and mgr Witold Klimas took part, as well as University representation: prof. dr hab. inż. Teofil Jesionowski, Rector of Poznan University of Technology in term 2020 - 2024, dr hab. inż. Joanna Józefowska, Vice-Rector for Research and mgr inż. Paulina Szewczyk, Director of the Technology Transfer Centre.
RIMEDO Labs is a start-up created by the employees of Poznan University of Technology with the goals of providing technical consulting and development services in the area of modern wireless communication solutions. Know-how, the subject of license agreement has been worked out by the team of researchers from the Institute of Radiocommunications as a result of long-term scientific research conducted at the University and funded by national and European funding agencies and business partners.
The granted license will allow the company for best-quality, innovative, research and development services in the free-market conditions, and for building up the specialized knowledge based on benefits coming from the science-business collaboration agreement.
Created: 2020-08-31
RIMEDO Labs, a startup company originating from the Institute of Radiocommunications
On the 15 th of June, 2020, RIMEDO Ltd. come into existence as a startup originating directly from the Institute of Radiocommunications of Poznan University of Technology. The company was created with the goals of providing technical consulting and development services, commercialization of the intellectual property resulting from projects implemented in our Institute, promotion of newest scientific findings and innovations, as well as strengthening cooperation between the Institute, its PhD students and graduate students with business environment.
On the 15 th of June, 2020, RIMEDO Ltd. come into existence as a startup originating directly from the Institute of Radiocommunications of Poznan University of Technology. The company was created with the goals of providing technical consulting and development services, commercialization of the intellectual property resulting from projects implemented in our Institute, promotion of newest scientific findings and innovations, as well as strengthening cooperation between the Institute, its PhD students and graduate students with business environment. The main area of RIMEDO Labs competences and operation are modern radiocommunication technologies: 5G and future generations of telecommunication networks and wireless solutions for humans and machines communication in the Internet of Things. You are invited to read more about RIMEDO, its operation, business model, vision and an interesting blog on newest technologies at:
Created: 2020-06-15
What is 5G and is it health-threatening? An expert's opinion provided by professor Krzysztof Wesołowski, Institute of Radiocommunications
Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wesołowski was interviewed by as an expert on the new 5G technology of mobile communications. He answered questions that are currently asked by many people: How does 5G communication work? Why is 5G better than 4G? Are 5G transmitters more powerful than in 4G? Is 5G dangerous to humans?
Institute of Radiocommunications joined 6G Flagship Initiative
Institute of Radiocommunications representatives join the international 6GFlagship initiative set on defining 6G mobile networks.
Researchers from the Institute of Radiocommunications of the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications of PUT, prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka and dr hab. inż. Adrian Kliks, have joined the international 6G Flagship initiative ( aimed at research on next-generation mobile networks - 6G. The initiative gathers experts from various circles around the world, including scientists and representatives of business and industry, and aims to stimulate further technical development in the field of wireless communications. Currently, there is a multifaceted discussion on defining the vision of wireless communications in the year 2030. It will produce a series of over a dozen white papers presenting selected aspects of 6G mobile networks. The Polish scientists will participate in this initiative both as wireless telecommunication experts (authors of papers), and as editing assistants. For more information, please visit the website of the project's lead institution - the Oulu University in Finland (
Created: 2020-03-16
Paweł Kryszkiewicz, PhD, received a Senior Award scholarship from Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission
Paweł Kryszkiewicz, PhD, received in February 2020 a Senior Award scholarship from Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission in academic year 2020/2021. It covers research placement in the United States at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) for over 3.5 months.
Paweł Kryszkiewicz, PhD, received in February 2020 a Senior Award scholarship from Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission in academic year 2020/2021. It covers research placement in the United States at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) for over 3.5 months. The grant planned to start in September 2020 has been moved to the first quarter of 2021 due to the epidemiological situation. Dr Kryszkiewicz will work on multicarrier wireless communications systems abstraction for dynamic spectrum access. This research will be based on Model-Based System Engineering methodology as a result of collaboration with expert in this field, dr Shamsnaz Virani Bhada, employed at WPI.
Created: 2020-02-28
Prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka took part in high-level meetings regarding the future Horizon Europe framework programme.
On the 28th and 29th of January, 2020, prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka took part in a series of meetings of Vice-Rectors for Research from the Wielkopolska and Lubuskie regions with European Union policy-makers, which were held to discuss the perspectives, prospects and opportunities in the future Horizon Europe framework programme.
Prof. Bogucka joined a delegation of Vice-Rectors for Research from the Wielkopolska and Lubuskie regions for a series of meetings with the policy-makers of the European Commission and European Parliament, i.a., with the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabiel, the Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, the President of the European Research Council (ERC), prof. Mauro Ferrari, and members of the European Parliament (including two former Polish Prime Ministers and the President of EP - prof. Jerzy Buzek and Ewa Kopacz). The discussions concerned the perspectives, prospects and opportunities in the future Horizon Europe framework programme, as well as scientific research and innovation funding. A presentation of the Horizon Europe programme is available at:
Created: 2020-01-31
Adrian Kliks received a prestigious scientific award from Division IV of the Polish Academy of Sciences
On 11th of December 2019, Adrian Kliks, PhD, was awarded by Division IV of the Polish Academy of Sciences for his publication series entitled "Methods for Improving Spectrum Resource Utilization in Future Wireless Networks".
Created: 2019-12-12
Łukasz Kułacz, M.Sc., received the Best Paper Award in the Young Authors Competition
Łukasz Kułacz, M.Sc. received the Best Paper Award in the Young Authors' Competition of the Foundation for the Support of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Techniques Development.
During the National Conference on Radiocommunication, Radio- and Television Broadcasting in 2019, Łukasz Kułacz received the Best Paper Award in the Young Authors Competition sponsored by the Foundation for the Support of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Techniques Development.
The awarded paper has been entitled: "Dense wireless network inspired by the nervous system".
Created: 2019-07-01
Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wesołowski has been elected the member of the Scientific Excellence Council
Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wesołowski has been elected the member of the Scientific Excellence Council in its first term (2019-2023) in the scientific discipline of computer engineering and telecommunications.
Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wesołowski has been elected the member of the Scientific Excellence Council (in Polish: Rady Doskonałości Naukowej - RDN) in the scientific discipline of computer engineering and telecommunications. On the 1st of June 2019, RDN has officially started its four-years term. It is a new governmental institution established to assure high standards of scientific research required to accomplish scientific degrees, degrees in art and the professor title.
Created: 2019-06-15
Dr inż. Krzysztof Cichoń Wins 2nd Place in Best PhD Thesis Awards
Krzysztof Cichoń, PhD came 2nd in the contest awarding the best PhD theses.
In the national contest awarding the best PhD theses in radiocommunications and multimedia technologies dr inż. Krzysztof Cichoń won 2nd place with his dissertation on "Reliable and Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems". It was written under the supervision of prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Bogucka, with auxiliary supervision of dr inż. Adrian Kliks. The award was granted by the Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Technologies and announced at the opening session of the National Conference on Radiocommunications and Broadcasting held in Gdańsk on June 20, 2018. In this year's editio of the contest, no 1st prize was awarded, only two 2nd prizes of equal rank. Congratulations!
Created: 2018-07-01
1st Prize in Young Authors' Competition
The 1st prize in the Young Authors' Competition at the 2018 National Conference on Radiocommunications and Broadcasting went to Bartosz Bossy of the Institute of Radiocommunications.
We are proud to inform that Bartosz Bossy, an employee of the Institute of Radiocommunications of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications of PUT, won the 1st prize in the Young Authors' Competition at the 2018 National Conference on Radiocommunicatons and Broadcasting held on June 20-22, 2018.
Created: 2018-06-30
Prof. Hanna Bogucka appeared on the TOK FM radio in the program “Human 2.0”.
Prof. Hanna Bogucka gave an interview on "What is green telecommunications" on radio TOK FM in the program “Human 2.0” (“Człowiek 2.0” in Polish).
January 16, 2021 prof. Hanna Bogucka appeared on TOK FM radio in the program “Human 2.0”. Prof. Bogucka was interviewed by Jan Stradowski, head of the science department of the "Focus" magazine, who invites specialists in science, technology and civilization trends to discuss what the new version of Homo Sapiens - Human 2.0 - looks like today, and where is it going? Journalist Stradowski and prof. Bogucka talked about the predictions of a significant increase in energy consumption due to new technologies, how it can be remedied - what is green telecommunications and zero-energy radio, what is the future of telecommunications and the theoretical limits of radio technologies. You are invited to listen to the program as a podcast at:,Na-czego-polega-zielona-telekomunikacja