

  • Adrian Kliks, “New Transmission and Reception Techniques of the Generalized Multicarrier Signals” – Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, Poznan University of Technology – completed with distinction in June 2011.
  • Marcin Parzy, “Application of Game Theory in Resource Sharing Algorithms in Cognitive Radio Systems” – Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, Poznan University of Technology – completed in April 2013.
  • Paweł Kryszkiewicz, “Protection of Primary Users in High-Quality NC-OFDM Based Cognitive Radio” – Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, Poznan University of Technology – completed with distinction in November 2015.
  • Krzysztof Cichoń, “Reliable and Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems” – Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, Poznan University of Technology – completed with distinction in April 2017.
  • Bartosz Bossy, „Optimization of energy efficiency in the modern radio networks” („Optymalizacja efektywności energetycznej w nowoczesnych sieciach radiowych”) – Faculty of Computing and Telecommunication, Poznan University of Technology – conclusion planned in 2020.
Graduates interested in doctoral studies in radio communication and topics related to physical layer, systems optimization, multicarrier techniques, spectrum sharing, cognitive radio, 5G technologies and future heterogeneous networks are invited to contact me by email: hanna.bogucka(at)