

COST CA15104  ( – Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and beyond (IRACON) (supported by the EU FP HORIZON 2020) (2016-2020) – Management Committee Member (representative of Poland), PUT representative for the project

COHERENT (Contract no.  671639 ) – Coordinated control and spectrum management for 5G heterogeneous radio access networks - ICT-14-2014 (LEIT) project, EU Horizon2020 programme, Information and Communications Technologies, (2015-2017) - PUT representative for the project, Steering Committee member

NEWCOM# (Contract no.  318306, ) – Network of Excellence in Wireless Communication -European Union 7th Framework Programme, Information and Communication Technologies, Network of Excellence (2012-2015) – PUT representative for the project, Executive Board member

ACROPOLIS (Contract no.  257626, ) – Advanced coexistence technologies for radio optimisation in licenced and unlicensed spectrum -European Union 7th Framework Programme, Information and Communication Technologies, Network of Excellence (2010-2013) – PUT representative for the project, Executive Committee member, Deputy Scientific Director

COST IC0902 (, Contract with Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education supporting participation in COST action:  779/N - COST/2010/0) – Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (2009-2013) – Management Committee Member, PUT representative for the project

COGEU (Contract no.  248560, ) – Cognitive radio systems for efficient sharing of TV white spaces in European context -European Union 7th Framework Programme, Information and Communication Technologies, STREP (2010-2012) – PUT representative for the project, Project Coordination Committee member

NEWCOM++ (Contract no. 216715, ) – Network of Excellence in Wireless Communication - European Union 7th Framework Programme, Information and Communications Technologies, Network of Excellence (2008-2010) - PUT representative for the project, Executive Board member

URANUS (IST- 027960) – Universal Radio-Link Platform For Efficient User-Centric Access - European Union 6th Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies, STREP (2006-2008) – PUT representative for the project

Bilateral Greek-Polish project - “Flexible Radio For Indoor Wireless LAN”, within bilateral agreement between Greek and Polish governments on Technical and Scientific Cooperation signed Nov. 9th, 1998, (2004 – 2005) – PUT representative for the project

VIPNet - VDSL Technology For Improved Performance In The Access Network – EUREKA project, (2004 -2006) - project participant

NEWCOM (Contract no. 507325) – Network of Excellence in Wireless Communication - 6th Framework European Union Programme, Information Society Technologies, Network of Excellence (2004-2007) - project participant

WINNER I (IST-2003-507581) – Wireless World Initiative New Radio - 6th Framework European Union Programme, Information Society Technologies, Integrated Project (2004 -2005) - project participant

WIND-FLEX (IST-1999-10025) – Wireless Indoor Flexible Modem Architectures - European Union 5th Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies, STREP 1999-2003 – project participant


Project type OPUS  (OPUS 12) „Brain-Inspired Massive Radio Communication Networks: BioNets” no. 2016/23/B/ST7/03937 funded by the National Science Centre (2017-2020) – Principal Investigator

Project type OPUS  (OPUS 6) „Energy-Aware Cooperative Wireless Networks: EcoNets” no. 2013/11/B/ST7/01168 funded by the National Science Centre (2014-2017) – Principal Investigator

Project type PRELUDIUM  (PRELUDIUM 3) „Reception methods for cognitive radio system utilizing NC-OFDM modulation” no. 2012/05/N/ST7/00164 funded by the National Science Centre (2013-2016) – co-investigator (supervisor)

Project for international cooperation  „Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks” no. 779/N-COST/2010/0 funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, then by the National Science Centre(2010-2013) – Principal Investigator

Supervisor grant  pt. „Algorytmy odbioru sygnałów z adaptacyjną modulacją wielotonową z nośnymi nieortogonalnymi” no. N N517 177637 funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2009-2010) – Principal Investigator