Page 7 - Buletin_January_2023
P. 7


      During the National Conference on Radiocommunication, Broadcasting and Television (KKRRiT) held on
      7-9 September in Warsaw, the Awards of the Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication
      and Multimedia Techniques were presented to the winners of the competition for the best article by a
      young author. The first prize was awarded to Małgorzata
      Wasilewska,  MSc,  for  the  article  on  "Intelligent  Pre-
      diction  of  Spectrum  Occupancy  that  Includes  Fading  Ef-
      fect Influence." The second prize in this competition went
      to Cezary  Adamczyk,  MSc, for the article on "Detection of
      Decision Conflicts in Intelligent Radio Controllers in Open
      Radio  Access  Networks."  In  turn,  Salim  Janji,  MSc,  re-
      ceived a distinction for his paper entitled "Procedure for
      the  Deployment  of  FSO  Mobile  Forwarding  Relays  Pow-
      ered by RES." All laureates are our Ph.D. students at the
      Institute of Radiocommunications. Congratulations!
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